It's hot, it's humid, it's time for steaks, BBQs and cold drinks. This particular Iced Tea is one of my favorites, the mint adds a really refreshing taste and the lemon adds a light, citrusy flavor.
- One Large Teabag (I used this one from Cracker Barrel)
- 50 oz of boiling water
- 1/2 lemon, sliced
- Large handful of mint
- 1.5 tbs honey (optional)
What To Do:
- Wash the fresh mint thoroughly (especially if you grow your own, which I recommend).
- Slice lemon and remove the seeds.
- Pour boiling water over Mint, lemon and the tea bag.
- Cover with a towel and allow to infuse for 5-10 min, depending on how strong you want your tea to be.
- Remove mint, lemon and tea bag and discard. Stir in honey if you want some added sweetness!
- Quick Tip: Run your tea through a fine strainer if any lemon pulp or seeds escaped during the process.
- Allow to cool down at room temperature before placing in the fridge. Let cool and serve over ice!
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