
Published Wednesday, June 04, 2014 by with 1 comment

Product Rave: Maybelline Volum' Express Falsies Big Eyes Mascara

I don't repurchase Mascara. I just don't. With the amount of new and fantastic Mascaras coming out on a daily basis, from drug store to high end, why would I ever concentrate on just one? 

My extensive, and well documented, obsession. I will not apologize.

Well, this Mascara made me into a huge hypocrite.

As mentioned in a previous post (or two), there is a lot to look for in a Mascara. Is the formula wet or dry? Does it flake over time? What's the color pay off? How long will it last on my bottom lashes before I'm in the bathroom maneuvering a q-tip and trying not to look like a sad raccoon? 

This particular lash potion (it has earned that monicker) kind of blew me away. I saw it in commercials, as one does, and all over YouTube, but with the amount of sponsored videos, I was a bit skeptical. 

Also, doesn't every brand now have a version of the double ended mascara? "Two brushes for the price of one!" Given, the first brush is usually a primer mascara. 

So, let's discuss why this particular mascara forced me back into addiction. 

Brush: There are two brushes, one typical brush for the top lashes and the smaller/shorter brush to get the bottom lashes. The bottom brush is, in my opinion, what makes this product so special. Because when you're done using it on the bottom lashes, you can catch every tiny, impossible lash in the inner corners. 

Color Payoff: So it comes in 3 different colors; Very Black, Blackest Black and Brownish Black. I've used the Very Black and the Brownish Black, I can't honestly see a major difference, the Brownish shade is a bit softer and the Very Black is a very visibly black mascara. Now, it's no where near as striking as the Dior Show in Catwalk Black, but the color is definitely present. 

Chance of Raccoon Eyes: In all the time I've worn this mascara (read: every day) I haven't noticed it flaking at all. Sure, if it's the end of an 18 hour wear and you're rubbing at your dry contacts, it may flake or smear, but it is incredibly resistant. 

Price:  Maybelline is not exactly a very self aware company, and we should all be quiet and thank them for it. At times, they produce some seriously effective products at some of the cheapest prices in the drug store. Price ranges from $5-7, or cheaper if you find it on sale. 

This mascara (can we count how many times I've used that word?) is well worth double its selling price and perfect for both beginners and weathered pros. 

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1 comment:

  1. Hey! I absolutely love this mascara, it's one of my favourites for sure! You have a lovely blog.
    I nominated you for the Liebster Award, you can check it out on my blog if you're interested!
    Alanta xo alantasalley.blogspot.com
